March 26, 2010

Top 10 Reasons the Atomic Leg Drop is the Most Devastating Move In Wrestling History



Derek and I have gotten back into Wrestling … I know … I know. We know its more fake than the breasts of the WWE divas, we know it’s a male soap opera that‘s crappy 72% of the time, and we know that guys getting sweaty with each other in their underwear is borderline gay.

Yet … we eat it up.

One of our favorite things about wrestling over the years is the “finishing maneuver.” A move that no matter how silly or mean it looks … will never fail to put down an opponent for a 3-count.

 Who could forget cheering for Macho Man as he scaled the top rope for the elbow drop? How many of you out there have watched The Rock do the set-up for the People’s Elbow and mimed right along with him?

 Heck … Derek even hit the People’s Elbow on his wife on the bed one night because I told him it would be awesome.

Word is that is was.

  Modern wrestling contains a sea of awesome, innovative, and interesting finishing moves such as Cody Rhodes “Cross-Rhodes” … The Straight Edge Savior CM Punk’s “Go To Sleep” … or John Morrison’s “Starship Pain.”

 But as awesome as those moves are … no finishing move is or will ever be as amazing as Hulk Hogan's "Atomic Leg Drop.”

 We all know the formula … Punch Hogan in the face … Hogan shakes his head and points his finger at you … Hogan hulks up and hits you with the big boot … and then lands the most devastating move in wrestling history to pin you for a 3-count.

How can a simple leg drop be so effective you ask? Well … Hulk Hogan has a few trade secrets that helps make this move so incredible. I smell a Top 10 list…

Top 10 Reasons The Atomic Leg Drop is the Most Devastating Move in Wrestling History

10. He hasn’t washed the back of his right knee in 30 years.

9. It has the power of two men, as Brutus the Barber Beefcake was absorbed into the leg after a particularly brutal botch in ’88.

8. The sweat dripping off the leg is 85% steroid, leading to instant testicle shrinkage upon contact.

7. If you BELIEVE in the leg-drop … the 3 count will come

6. The Big Boot before the leg drop is placed in the exact spot on the face that causes a man to job to a leg drop.

5. He had his knee cap coated with lead from the same place where Lex Lugar got the steel plate for his forearm.

4. Hulkamania is an actual medical condition of mass hysteria where an arena full of people are convinced the maneuver is “epic.”

3. Hogan’s knee is full of so much surgical metal it reacts magnetically with the iron in your blood, forcing your shoulders to the mat for exactly 3 seconds.

2. Two Words: Cankle Torque.

  1. Upon landing the Leg Drop ... Hogan inadvertently leaks out the "Dusty Old Man Fart" he had been holding in all match.

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